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Postcard No.20

City centre, Buenos Aires.
City centre, Buenos Aires
Click on the picture to see an enlargment.
PS: If your PC has sound, you are listening an Argentinean background music in the rural tradition called 'La Paloma Enamorada' by Atahualpa Yupanqui who wrote and performed many instrumental pieces.
Atahualpa Yupanqui

Postcard No.20

In the 'doma de potros', the gaucho must stay on the back of a wild horse for ten seconds, and is then rescued by his colleagues. Only a few succeed. With Francisco Martorella, Tim twice attended these exciting events at San Isidro, near Buenos Aires. They are held as part of all-day celebrations of rural traditions, often on public holidays in the autumn (May), which is another good time to visit Buenos Aires.

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